
- to the Agony Airedale
- Aunt Sybil
Got a problem?
Aunt Sybil !!
Aunt Sybil advises
9th June 2008
Dear All
I haven't had any
letters lately so thought I would write with some tips for
how to deal with your 2nd worst nightmare, getting your
1) Do NOT make it
easy for them
2) Look sad and
depressed and show them your tummy...always good for
3) put the brakes on
when they try to lead you by your collar and make yourself
as heavy as possible when they resort to lifting you.
4) Only give in if
biscuits, bones etc are offered but still be a bit
pathetic.....GOOD LUCK fellow Airedales
P.S. Bathing
(WORST NIGHTMARE) instructions will follow when I have made
it impossible
for them
Sybil advises 11th
February 2009 |
Hello, I have an Airedale bitch named Fanta. She if
really strong, She had her first period at 9 months and tree
months later she is again with the period.
Is that normal?
She is very happy and seem normal.
Thank you, un saludo, Jacobo.
Valencia, Spain
Thank you for your question and believe it or not I had a
short gap between my first and second period. It's
normal that the period can be a bit irregular in the
beginning and if she's healthy and everything else is normal
I shouldn't worry too much. Sometimes bitches can get
Pyometra which is an infection in the uterus after the first
period but it is rare. In that case the dog gets sick,
tired, fever, won't eat, discharge form vulva etc. If the
female continues to have close periods several times you
should let a Vet look at her.
I hope this helps but I think you should contact your own
Vet just to make sure she is okay. The infection is rare but
my owner has learnt over the years that it doesn't matter if
you think you are wasting your Vets time. It is better to
be wrong than to miss something that needs treatment. Your
Airedale's health is most important.
you for writing to me and I would love to hear how you
get on, do keep in touch. Also please may I put your
question on the website for others information, in case they
have the same problem?
Love Sybil xxxx
Sybil advises 12th
February 2008 |
I have a problem which is ruining my imaginative
creations, my owner simply does not appreciate art! you see
I am an amateur artist and needs time to work on my
creations of which my owner keeps on destroying! I was
making a masterpiece of a creation; by arranging my toys all
over the house in a artistic way until my owner comes
home... She gasps in amazement when she walks in at just how
beautiful her lounge looked and my artistic creativity ,I
was going for the theme of romance with a slight er... messy
approach. I proudly sat in the middle of the room quite
content that my owner was pleased with my work. the thing is
she started ranting and raving about ' a mess' my
masterpiece is not called 'the mess' or the '******* dog' I
thought she loved it! she gave me absolutely no credit or
appreciation for all my effort. I was thinking of doing
another creation called the 'smelly chocolate treat!' What sort of theme do you think I should do to please my
owner for longer??
love the website
Dear Rennae,
Firstly may I say what an
unusual name you have, quite delightful, makes mine seem
very ordinary, however I digress - to refer to your problem,
I have discovered over the years & after many mishaps over
artistic designs i.e. beautifully arranged chocolate boxes &
empty boxes among toys, slippers etc. that both myself, my
son Hector & dear friend Basil have come to the conclusion
that artistic work is out, out, out (they've no
imagination). So I suggest you do nothing at all - then of
course they'll come home & say, "What have you been doing
all the time we've been out? Sleeping? Lazy Old Dog?"
You just can't win , Can You?
Love Sybil xxxx
Sybil advises 18th January 2008 |
Hi Sybil
My name is Ebbi, I am two months old and I am teething.
What can I do to stop it hurting so much? Also, as it hurts
I chew things, then my mummy Mollie tells me off for ruining
chairs and slippers etc. etc. What can I do too stop it?
Love from Ebbi
P.S. Please write back very soon!
Dear Ebbi,
Sorry to hear of your
teething troubles, I too at your age, suffered somewhat – I
suffered some more (severe telling off) when I
thought chewing 3 mobile phones might help (it didn’t!) my
Mistress tied a few pairs of tights together, tied knots
here and there and then played tug of war with me, I must
say I found this quite successful and what’s more, after a
while, it even removed a few of the troublesome molars,
HURRAY!! – however, I don’t know how you can tell her this
suggestion – don’t whatever you do, pull her tights from her
drawer or washing machine, I would hate to be in your paws
if you did – perhaps you could show her this letter. If all
goes well and you get your knotted tights, don’t play with
them when home alone as you could choke on them!!
I hope this solves your problem
Sybil xxxx
Sybil advises
17th January 2008 |
Dear Sybil,
I am 8 months old and desperately
need your help. my owner doesn't seem to understand that when a
dog needs to go we really have to go!
It wasn't my fault that I didn't realise that the carpet was new
:( I even brought him one of my toys I had just been chewing as
a sorry present and surprise surprise he wasn't pleased with
it.... it was his favourite slipper. just my luck! I tried so
hard to please him but he just doesn't get the picture!
I was thinking of putting an ad in the paper for a new owner as
this one isn't working out too great. The thing is I don't
really want to leave unless I have to, my new squeeky penguin
and I have got quite close recently, also the food here is not
too bad I suppose.Your biggest fan even though I'm little,
Dear Terry,
First of
all may I say how sorry I am to hear of your problems
(we've all been there-done that I'm afraid). Obviously, you
are very young, and because you are quite large (young
Airedales are quite large) your owner is having difficulty
in coming to terms with this, my advice to you is as
When you've got to go
and this is a desperate situation, go to the door (front or
back) and keep barking, your incessant noise should make
them understand (and do anything to shut you up) to
let you out, hopefully. As for his slipper - you are unwise
to touch such a personal possession but they should not
leave things lying on the floor - should they! I seem to
remember Basil telling me that in his youth he got into
frightful trouble over a potted plant, even though he felt a
bit poorly at the time, (I don't think the leaves agreed
with him) still that's another story - stick to your Penguin
and any pressie you are given.
Hope this is some help
to you - Good Luck!
Sybil xxxx
Sybil with the help of her Nanny & Mum
who have 26 years experience of Airedale mischief,
quirks etc.. will do their best to help. Please click the link above and ask her a question but remember any
medical problems should always be directed at a Veterinary. My Mum always
takes us if in doubt, after all we Airedales are very important pouches who
deserve only the best.
Sybil advises
21st October 2007 |
Dear Sybil,
My name is Phoebe and I am 9 months
old. I don't know about you - but I cannot stand CATS!! I am
settling down very well with my new mum (Val) but she doesn't
seem to understand that I am never going to get used to George
who seems to live in the same house as us. I see him
each morning when mum brings him
into the kitchen to have his breakfast. She actually sticks me
in my cage and shuts me in!! What a cheek!!. He sits there
purring and eating his breakfast looking extremely pleased with
himself. I, of course, start to bark and scream the moment he
is brought into MY kitchen. However this doesn't seem to stop
mum bringing him in. I know he sleeps somewhere
else in this house ( probably mums
bedroom) I have tried on several occasions to force the door but
no luck as yet.
I am a very pretty Airedale and have
been going to Dog Shows with Molly and seem to be doing quite
well. Not too sure about all this grooming though !
I have been told about you and also
Hector and Basil - my mum says they stayed here and were very
good dogs - They didn't chase cats - or so she says.
I am going to try and send you a
photo of me.
Love to your lovely family
Phoebe. xxx
Dear Phoebe,
I am so
sorry to hear of your predicament.
I understand your feelings about cats neither myself, Basil
or Hector are fond
of this species at all,
it is disgraceful that it is allowed to eat in your
kitchen and sleep in your mistresses bedroom,
it would make all 3 of us bark
& scream, maybe
even howl and that I assure you would be a fearful thing to
hear. Anyway my advice to you would be this very cunning
plan. Do not bark, lie down in the hall completely
acting doggo (you may have to do this for quite a long time
in order to fool your mistress) you will know
when the time is right to strike, on chosen day lay
apparently kipping but watching sneakily
with one eye. As
your mistress passes you
holding your arch enemy, inch along on your side, when
she enters the kitchen and before she closes the
door, launch your attack, this will require much patience on
your part, difficult
I know for a young Airedale like
you, but practice
makes perfect and time is of the essence so to speak (or
should I say bark). I can
also teach you how to work door handles should this plan
Good Luck &
Lots of Love to you all
I can't believe Basil & Hector didn't realise they had
company on their holiday, mind you they are male you know.
I must say you are very pretty so I'm not surprised you are
doing well in the Dog Shows, they say good looks are
hereditary you know dear niece.
